Starling Action


Well something completely different for today’s blog! Over the last fortnight we have had Starlings in the garden (must have a nest nearby because we don’t see them at any other time!) They have voracious appetites and bully our Blackbirds, and are all action. This past Winter we had some superb murmurations around the village. So the poem below I’ve tried capture their charismatic behaviour.


                           Gregarious and bold, strutting with real attitude

            A threatening group of thugs invading tranquil territory                              

                    Greedily gobbling up any offerings for themselves


                         Dull and unassuming at a distance

               Up close their feathers are bejewelled with colour

                           Sheens of purples and greens Illuminated in sunlight


                              Short tailed with stubby pointed wings

                  Prominent beak, slender pink legs

                                  The head jerks,  thrusts forward purposefully


                        As the day ebbs, they meet in small rowdy groups

             Exchanging gossip, news, adventures and dangers

                             Numbers build steadily – tens, hundreds and soon thousands


                        Transforming into aerial, acrobatic, artists , the sky their canvas

                 Painting complex black shapes in the gathering gloom

                                            Swooping and diving in perfect synchronized unison


                        Thousands of wing beats, a pulsating collective,

                                             Swish, Whoosh !


                      Part of their mesmerising hypnotic performance

                                               Bewildering any potential predators

                                                Murmuration…….. a real wildlife spectacular



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About bill

Bill Church is the story traveller, a former Headteacher who has a passion for sharing stories with people from 3 years up to 103 years of age. Bill loves stories; finding them (and the story’s story!), telling them and writing them! He is passionate in believing that everybody can tell stories and is keen to help people whatever their age do this. His blog ranges from his Story telling experiences to his obsessions sport, bird watching and cycling!

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