Stories, Stories and more Stories!!!!!!!!

Lovely day at Upton St Leonards today to kick off their Literature Festival. I managed to recover my props beforehand which was a relief. Body is feeling the effect of two full on days with telling many different stories!  Really enjoyed the two schools and the response of the delightful young people.

Back at Wick Court tomorrow for Bird Watching and onto Bath and Leicestershire later this week.


Call Yourself the Story Traveller??????

I called myself the Story Traveller because I envisaged I would mainly travel to my gigs on my bike! have mentioned previously it is my busiest time of the year so you would of thought I would be on the bike quite a bit. Sadly because of the geography  involved I was only going to cycle to one school and that was supposed to be tomorrow with a 28 mile round trip. Just packing my panniers today with bits and pieces and I discovered I left a vital bag of props at Shurdington (near Cheltenham) on Friday!  They are vital and I need them! So no cycling tomorrow instead a dash round the Gloucestershire countryside! It could of been worse it could of been London or Leicestershire where I have gigs!