
Funny sort of day here. I had a good cycle ride over the hills of Stroud despite a strong wind. More bluebells up in Randwick woods. The rest of the day has been spent on catching up on jobs- some time in the garden and doing admin for Gloucestershire Seniors Cricket (still haven’t finished). I popped out before dusk to do a brief birdwatch (wind was awful). Saw my first Terns including one Arctic (the bird with the longest migration!) Also a Sparrowhawk shot past my head! (the picture below has been in the blog before it was a Sparrowhawk in the garden that Clare took!)

Had a delightful day yesterday playing with my two grandsons. I do enjoy being a granddad!

Less said about Saturday the better!


Rain in Buckets!!!!

It is your proverbial “Cats and Dogs” here at the moment! I am off on the train later this morning on my trip to Molineux to watch the Mighty Hatters. Going in hope that a miracle might happen but deep down I have trepidation for the last few games, last week was such a shock and worry about the physiological damage it has caused the players. It is the hope that gets you! COYH!!!!!!!

The Boys Done Great!!!!


Yes we won! So for the second year running we have won the quiz plate competition. So we felt chuffed -especially as our captain Steve was missing.

I mentioned I was rushing from Story Telling to the quiz- I had a lovely time telling two stories at Wick Court with a very focussed and appreciative audience.

I pedalled to meet Clare for a delightful walk in the woods near Sapperton. Some pictures below. We had lunch at the Daneway pub – I think the last time we ate there was well over 40 years ago. Great ride and I was really pleased with my climbing.




Loved the shape of the tree above!


Birds, Birds and more Birds!!!!!!!

A busy couple of days on the birding front. A lovely day yesterday at Wick Court with young people from Sutton. We saw a good selection of birds including a Blackcap.

Today it was the monthly survey out on the Severn (the Bore came up midway through). Highlights were Avocets, Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Marsh Harrier, Whimbrel  and I was delighted to see my first Swifts of the year! I am full of admiration for Swifts and I am always learning something new about these charismatic birds.

Off to Story Tell at Wick and the rushing to the plate final of the quiz league.



Pedal and Cricket plus a Story Idea!

Managed to get a quick ride in this morning and kept up a decent pace. I am looking forward to when I don’t have to wear a jacket- still got a nip in the morning!

I went off this afternoon to watch our 60s second team playing a pre-season cricket match. It was good to catch up with old friends.

On the story front I woke up early this morning with an idea for a story which I now need to play around with. I really ought to have a notebook by my bed to scribble down my overnight musings!

It’s The Hope That Gets You!!!!!


I can’t talk about Saturday’s it was depressing to see your team not even come second in a match! It was the first time this season where I didn’t think the Mighty Hatters didn’t compete which doesn’t auger well for the last four vital matches!

Dealing with my post match depression  on Sunday morning I went bird watching looking for Summer Migrants. I didn’t see the birds I had hoped for – my only migrants was a Whitethroat and a couple of Swallows. However, this noisy Mistle Thrush (above) got my attention!

We have just got back from 36 hours spent with our delightful granddaughter the  effervescent Ellen who lights up any day with her smiles. We are now worn out!

Beautiful Spring Morning

A lovely start to the day, the sun is shining and the birds are singing all around! Amazing after the wet Spring so far I had to fill both bird baths this morning because they had dried out.

Hoping that I will have a spring in my step later today as I travel to watch the Mighty Hatters in a vital clash near the bottom of the league! I will of course have my fingers firmly crossed! COYH!!!!!!!!!

Two Severn Bores on Tour and Spring Again!

The Two Severn Bores thoroughly enjoyed our gig at Newent Library on Wednesday night. It was our Destiny or Fate show and we are pleased with the way this has developed over our performances in recent months. Dan’s playing of the guitar and his songs are brilliant.

I have managed a couple of decent rides in the last couple of days. I have even managed to get my number 1 bike out!

Tonight the Bittern was booming again by Splatt Bridge – hope he finds a mate! Also saw the Marsh Harrier come out of the reed bed where I think the nest is.

Finally a couple of spring themed pictures- I took tonight.






A Wick Court First


A lovely moment with young people from Bromley yesterday we saw a Wheatear in the field near the hide. First time we have seen one at Wick Court. (the picture is one I took last year.) It was a busy day as there was much happening at the farm. The weather was just right and the young people were enthusiastic and full of questions! I thoroughly enjoyed Story Telling with them tonight.

The Two Severn Bores had a lovely gig last night at Newent Library. We are now actively looking for more gigs for our Destiny or Fate show. Dan is busy recording his new album but after that we are are aiming to plan and write our new show.

It was great to have ride in sunshine for a change today.

Newent Library

I will start with a reminder The Two Severn Bores are performing at Newent Library on Wednesday night 6.30. If you look up on the libraries website you can book a ticket but just turn up if you can’t! I have been going over my stories today! Dan and I are rehearsing tomorrow.

Saturday as expected turned out to be a painful trip to Manchester. The poor Mighty Hatters looked like they were running on empty- hopefully we will get a couple of players back for Saturday’s game. I did enjoy meeting up with friends in the pub before the game.

Having a fine day on Sunday actually meant we could spend a good time in the  garden. It hasn’t been possible recently!

Feeling windswept today- it is a bitter uncomfortable wind. I managed to get out between showers saw hundreds of sand martins on the Sailing Lake and a brief view of the marsh harrier at Splatt Bridge. (not my picture below they normally so quick I find them difficult to photograph!)